Sunday 31 January 2016

Rick Buys a Kilt

Over the course of the year in Scotland, Rick had talked quite often about buying another kilt, and we had visited many shops and looked at the pricing.  The exchange rate grew ever nastier as we went along, which factored into not getting a kilt, but leaving Scotland without one finally seemed inappropriate, so Rick bit the bullet and decided to buy one, but not just any kilt - a 21st Century Kilt!  Howie Nicholsby comes from a line of kilt makers, but decided to do things a bit differently.  His kilts aren't necessarily traditional as they can include such things as pockets, tend to be made from non-traditional fabrics and tartans (a leather kilt, anyone?), and sit lower on the waist, more like a trouser fit.

Now, when we were thinking of 21st Century Kilts, we assumed that the shop would be very sleek, modern and minimalist, which couldn't have been further from the truth.  It is quite small, stuffed to the rafters with tubs full of scraps of various materials and, in one corner there is a seamstress working away, who turned out to be an angel of sewing, as she was able to whip up Rick's kilt in less than 2 weeks, as we were leaving for Canada that quickly.  Howie is a very colourful character and wonderful to deal with along with his long-suffering but very knowledgeable co-worker Fraser.  Rick chose more of a tweed with a bit of a chevron design, but the crowning glory was the use of the Canadian Tartan (yes, there is such a thing) along the front edge of the kilt, along with 2 strips of a red silk paisley material, which also edges his waistband and pocket tops.  Needless to say, it is a very unique kilt and Rick looks brilliant in it.  Who cares about the cost!  It was worth it.  Oh, and you get an exclusive, really cool kilt pin with every kilt.  Score!!

The wee shop on Thistle Street.

The shape of the kilt pin that comes with every kilt.

As you can see, it is far removed from sleek and modern, which made it much more comfortable and fun.

Samples everywhere!!

Working away in the corner, she sews all the kilts, and gets Rick's done in record time!

Ready to wear and ready to go.

What would a Scottish kilt shop be without a few bottles of whisky at the ready?

Rick having his final fitting.  Sorry, I don't have any photos of him showing off his kilt, so you will need to ask to see him in person for a viewing.

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